An installation at the HOG Farm featuring full scale dioramas by

Linnéa Gad Molly Lieberman Katie Stout

Auto Body builds a series of temporary bamboo structures to act as large-scale dioramas sited on the fields of the Hamlet Organic Garden. Each artist inhabits a bamboo structure, creating their own micro- environment to be observed within the larger landscape of the farm environment.

As a diorama typically showcases a historical event, landscape, or cityscape, here each artist has displayed a scape of their choice usingobjects, figures, live material, found material, drawing and painting.

The bamboo serves as a practical building material and was all sourced locally from the gardens of Bellport residents, where the species is considered invasive.

Special thanks to Sean Pilger, the HOG Farm team, Peter Schlesinger & Eric Boman, and Peter on Oak Meadow Lane.